North Balga Primary School (5499)
School Overview
At North Balga Primary School, our vision is to create a brighter future for all. We cater for children from Kindergarten to Year 6.
When your child arrives at our school, one of the first things they will notice is that our school community is very diverse. Children from many different cultures and backgrounds attend our school leading to an enriching school experience. This provides your child with an amazing opportunity to learn about Aboriginal and other cultures from around the world.
We recognise that the world around us is changing and we are changing with it. Children at our school leave with a diverse and inclusive education, armed with the skills they need to adapt and thrive in secondary education, and beyond, to a future that is challenging, interesting and dynamic.
Our school has a strong focus on literacy and numeracy, with staff across all year levels implementing strategies for improving your child's learning.
Our committed, proactive teachers and dedicated support staff have high expectations of themselves and the children they teach. We encourage children to commit to giving their best effort at all times, and support them in a mutually respectful environment.
Digital technology is integrated into our learning programs. We have great resources to support this learning area, with desktop computers, ipads, beebots and spheros, providing your child with the technical skills required in an ever changing world.
We have a number of support programs to assist your child including 12 Buckets mentoring, Delta Therapy Dogs, Mindfulness, Mindup and our ongoing attendance and positive behaviour program. Our Chaplain, who works two days a week, employed through YouthCare, coordinates a daily Breakfast Club and liaises with families to improve social outcomes for our community. We work closely with the Child and Parent Centre, Warriapendi, to provide a twice weekly on-site playgroup for children aged under four years on Tuesdays and Fridays. From 2023, we have partnered with Balga Senior High School, whose Aboriginal teachers will be working with the children and teachers from Years 4-6 to improve their knowledge of Aboriginal culture and language.
Co-located on our school site is the North East Metropolitan Language Development Centre, the Primary Extension and Academic Challenge Centre (for our gifted children), and an out of school and holiday care program managed by Kid's Academy. Our relationship with these agencies is strong and further enhances the educational opportunities of the students.
We have an active partnership with families and encourage you to take an active part in shaping your child's future.
To learn more about our school, please contact us on 9442 9000 or via email NorthBalga.PS@education.wa.edu.au