Our specialised team of teachers and education assistants embrace the school motto 'Honour Persist Succeed'. They reinforce in all students the honour of respecting self and others and the virtue of persistence in developing resilience to succeed as lifelong learners. Hocking Primary School is an Independent Public School, catering for 650 students from Kindergarten to Year 6. Our positive and challenging teaching programs allow all children to develop the necessary knowledge to become confident independent learners.
Hocking Primary School is proud to offer instruction in music, physical education, art and design technology and science, taught by specialist teachers.
Our school prides itself on delivering curriculum in a safe, fun filled and collaborative environment using the resources and technology infrastructure of a newly built school. Every learning area is equipped with an interactive whiteboard and connected to a fully integrated wireless network. Desktop computers, laptops and portable tablet devices are provided as tools to enhance learning and to tap into the intuitive learning of students.
Our school opened in February 2008 with modern facilities including a purpose built library art centre, music room and fully enclosed sporting hall with expansive playing grounds that support a comprehensive specialist learning area focus across all year levels.
A strong Parent & Citizens group provides support for school programs and initiatives and the School Board offers strong governance to ensure community expectations of high quality teaching and learning is a constant focus.
We welcome you to discover more about Hocking Primary School: W: hockingps.wa.edu.au T: 6207 3150