Our school is located in Ocean Reef, a suburban coastal estate, approximately 30 kilometres north of Perth and 4 kilometres south-west of Joondalup. Beaumaris is a relatively affluent area, with a socially mobile population that includes many immigrants from the UK, Asia and South Africa who have reinvested their wealth for a preferred lifestyle by the sea. The community supports several local schools including government and non-government sectors. Parents are generally well off business people and local industry workers. Our families are actively involved in school activities that promote positive outcomes for children.
We are an Independent Public School and draw the bulk of our student population from within the surrounding Beaumaris, Ocean Reef, Iluka and Burns Beach Suburbs. Our school was established in 1991 and provides educational facilities for Years K- 6 (children aged 4 - 12 years). Important features of Beaumaris include its comprehensive specialist subjects program, consistent whole school approaches in core subject areas and pastoral care, and our student leadership development program.
Effective curriculum planning and a distributed leadership model provides the basis for quality instruction guided by the Western Australian Curriculum. Strong instructional leadership with a focus on school wide pedagogy, whole-of-school literacy, science and numeracy and knowledge of best practice leads to the achievement of exciting and dynamic curriculum delivery. A high priority is placed on maximizing student engagement and celebrating their successes and achievements.
Our focus is on child engagement and wellbeing so that they feel valued at all times. We measure effectiveness through the achievement and character of our students and the integral part our school plays in the community.
Beaumaris provides endless opportunity for our students to experience variety and success. Our students are equipped with, and are confident in the use of, new blends of skills and knowledge necessary to achieve their individual potential throughout their lives. Through the diversity of our programs, the enthusiasm of our staff and the support of our wider school community, we strive to fulfil our mission: We are committed to providing for our students a strong, holistic foundation for relevant learning, living and thinking in the 21st Century.
We prepare students for a future where values and ethics, along with knowledge of self and adaptable skills, are the keys to a successful life and a successful contribution to the wider community. In looking to the future and developing a vision that will carry the school towards the end of this decade and beyond, our school community has laid foundations for skills, understandings and practices that support appropriate teaching - learning relationships where the concept of schooling is a global experience being rapidly shaped by technology and new paradigms for learning. Beaumaris Primary School is classified, nationally, as a High Demand Government School. This is largely due to its innovative and collaborative school culture where: * Teaching - learning relationships are at the centre of contextual change * The needs of our students are front and centre to all decision making in the school. * Development of 21st Century teaching and learning approaches are engaging a whole school community in leaning to promote improved outcomes
Our school is well known for its highly professional culture and the will to 'go above and beyond ' in providing curricular and extra-curricular opportunities that connect with student interests, learning styles, skills, curiosity, culture and appetite for learning. Beaumaris has a long history of success, underpinned by its vision...'To be the leader in excellence and shaping the future'
At Beaumaris there is a clear focus on high standards of student achievement. Systematic assessment and reporting procedures are carried out at the highest level, confirming performance and guiding the setting of future targets for the school. National and State-wide testing is utilized and evidence based approaches to improvement are used to effectively plan and promote good collaborative decision making.
Welcome to Beaumaris.