At Leeming Primary School we offer students a quality education, tailored to their individual needs, planned and delivered by experienced, highly skilled and enthusiastic teachers. We are a forward thinking and innovative school for academic excellence, keen to keep pace with and embrace modern technologies when these enhance the learning of our students and better prepare them for the future.
Leeming Primary School, 18 kilometres south of Perth, caters for 320 students from Kindergarten to Year 6.
Our positive and challenging teaching programs allow students to develop the necessary knowledge and skills to become confident independent learners.
We are proud of our reputation in offering quality specialist programs in Japanese, Music, Art and Science. A literacy support specialist and an Extension and Academic Challenge program further support staff in tailoring the curriculum to suit each child's individual needs.
Our school community have driven several quality improvements including a highly sophisticated technology focus. This incorporates iPads in the early years, One-to-one laptops in the upper years, upgraded interactive whiteboards and high quality and speed wireless access. Teachers are trained to work this technology successfully, producing high level outcomes for students who are ready for the technological challenges of the future.
A Nature Play program counterbalances the focus on technology with our students enjoying access to a variety of Nature Play areas and equipment to help develop communication skills, problem solving, creativity and resilience in our students.
We have a strong pastoral care culture and staff take the time to get to know each student well, build relationships with families and strengthen a positive community culture.
A positive behaviours approach to behaviour management is embraced by our school with an emphasis on teaching students how to behave through weekly behaviour focus points and rewards for positive behaviours.
Our effective School Board assists the experienced staff in providing quality teaching that produces well-rounded members of society. Our students are encouraged to balance educational excellence with excellence in citizenship.
Our school prepares students well for high school and we have strong links with Leeming Senior High School, where most of our graduating students attend.
We encourage you to find out more about the opportunities available at our school.
W: T: 9310 9133