Kinross College (4172)

School Overview

Kinross College opened in 2002 and prides itself on its strong pastoral care ethos and commitment to our students' academic, social and emotional needs and outstanding facilities.

A new 6 million dollar upgrade will allow our facilities to provide an exceptionally modern learning environment where the focus will be on quality teaching and learning.
The College caters for the needs of Year 7 to Year 10 students. We specialise in teaching these young adolescents and our teaching staff have unique insights and experience teaching and caring for students in these early teenage years. We support students through their social and emotional development while they transit through adolescence, offering a caring and inclusive environment where students are treated as individuals.

Kinross College has a close partnership and parallel programs with Mindarie Senior College that make the transition to the senior school years seamless.

We understand that parents expect schools to provide three essential outcomes for their children, those being a safe and happy environment, quality teaching and learning programs and a focus on positive behaviour. If your child feels safe and happy they will be better placed to fulfil their potential.

The College is located in the City of Joondalup in close proximity to Kinross Primary School and has outstanding purpose built facilities. Other specialist facilities include a performing arts theatre, design and technology studios, lecture theatre, undercover courts and an alfresco area for students. The school is technologically advanced, with wireless connectivity over the whole site and data points for desktop computers.

Kinross College offers a wide and varied curriculum and an extensive range of exciting extra-curricular activities. Many opportunities exist for our students to broaden their horizons and explore their potential. Curriculum delivery is based on the needs of individual students with relationships and academic rigour at the centre. Kinross College, as part of this focus on academic rigour, has a formal exam process for all years as a culmination to each semester's work.

Kinross College also has a Gifted and Talented stream that offers an exciting extension experience for students in years seven to ten.

The College's staffing structure is based on an Executive team comprising a Principal and two Associate Principals. Six Heads of Department manage the learning areas. Additionally, Kinross College has two Level 3 Student Services Managers, a Compass alternative classroom level 3, and Learning Support Coordinator and three Level 3 Classroom Teachers. The College chooses teachers through local merit selection where possible.

The school actively promotes and encourages parent participation through the School Board, the P & C and parent volunteers in various curriculum and extra curricula activities. Parent surveys indicate a good degree of satisfaction with the school's learning environment and improving community participation.

More information is available at