Success Primary School (5813)

School Overview


Success Primary School (SPS) is located in the City of Cockburn. Approximately 644 students are enrolled in our school, with 76 students enrolled in our education support program and 568 in our mainstream program. Approximately 20% of children come from homes where English is an Additional Language (EAL/D).

We embrace our school motto 'Unlock Your Potential,' ensuring parents and the school community actively work together to achieve improved outcomes for all students.

SPS boasts state-of-the-art facilities such as a hydrotherapy pool, sensory room and gymnasium. The education support program locations are distributed across the school, providing inclusive opportunities for students and staff at all year levels.

At SPS, we foster a model of distributed leadership where staff are provided with ample opportunities to lead best practice in the Western Australian Curriculum, lead DoE and School Initiatives and participate in peer mentoring and coaching.

Parents and community members play an active role in ensuring students are provided with the best possible learning opportunities. The achievements and progress of our school are strongly supported by our active Parents and Citizens (P&C) Association and large School Board.

Our purpose is to unlock potential and empower students to learn and achieve through high quality teaching and a safe and supportive learning environment.


We Nurture: Every school day we have the opportunity to guide, support, lead and shape the behaviour and development of the students in our school. We will use this opportunity to nurture the emotional development of students, giving them the tools necessary to live a productive and satisfying as well as meet the challenges of a complicated, rapidly changing world. We believe nurturing the emotional development of students will help them become future ready and build the emotional intelligence required to exercise meaningful relationships promoting collaboration and inclusion.

We Educate: We embrace each student as an individual learner and adopt a school culture that promotes high expectations for learning. We have high academic expectations, embracing rigorous assessment practices which inform future planning and teaching practice. Our curriculum planning and data collection is designed to help students construct new knowledge and life skills. We provide structured feedback to students, transparent about and progress their learning. We explicitly teach collaboration, communication and critical thinking strategies as essential skills for their future. We use evidence based strategies to drive school improvement.

We Celebrate: We celebrate and acknowledge student success, growth and progress authentically in partnership with parents and caregivers. We aim for students to understand that real success comes from hard work and persistence and celebrating this motivates them even more. We ensure that staff feel valued and are given opportunities to use their personal knowledge and expertise to make a difference in the lives of our students.

We Value:
Striving for success
Taking responsibility
Always inclusive
Stay safe

Please feel free to visit our school website or contact us for more information:

T: 61742600