Jungdranung Remote Community School (5670)

School Overview

Jungdranung Remote Community School is located 132km south east of Kununurra in Kija tribal land in the East Kimberley, amidst the spectacular Ragged Range in the Mandangala Community on Glen Hill Station. Opened as a 'Special Aboriginal School' in 1984, the small school is an integral part of the community.

Named after a local elder and defender of the land in the nineteenth century, Jungdranung Remote Community School provides education that focuses on pride, achievement, values and empowerment in a caring and inclusive environment. The school grounds are attractive and very well maintained.

Jungdranung is well-resourced, with the latest technology available for children to use. Students enjoy individualised programs and a high teacher to student ratio. The school has a strong focus on literacy and numeracy, embedded within all curriculum areas. It is now part of the Kimberley Schools Project, a targeted teaching approach to promote early years learning. Behaviour is excellent and significant academic progress is evident in those who attend regularly. Excursions to other schools and centres in the region allow students opportunities to engage in various sporting, cultural and musical events, and other special occasions.

Pastoral care is at the centre of our core business. Our staff have formed strong partnerships with the community and children show great enthusiasm for learning.

For more information:
E: Jungdranung.RCS@education.wa.edu.au