Leinster Community School (5604)

School Overview

Leinster Community School a level 4 school located in the Goldfields Education Region, approximately 370 kilometres north of Kalgoorlie. It is a community school catering for students in Kindergarten to year 12. Year 7 to 12 students receive a combination of face-to-face teaching and access to the school of Isolated and Distance Education. Currently there are 128 students enrolled at he school. Leinster is a 'closed' mining town unique to the Western Australian mining community. It has a population of approximately 400 permanent residents with the remainder of the workforce on a fly-in-fly-out roster.

At Leinster Community School our motto states: Engage, Challenge, Succeed. We strive to at all times to achieve our vision of 'Empowering tomorrow's global citizens through integrity, respect, empathy, and excellence.' At Leinster Community School we are continually engaged in a process of evaluating what we do and how we do it so that our curriculum is contemporary, relevant and future focused. We use evidence-based whole-school approaches to provide a streamlined teaching and learning program from kindergarten to Year 12. Curriculum content is delivered using consistent teaching pedagogies to enhance the learning outcomes of our students. As outlined in our Business Plan, school success is achieved through effective processes in the five domains of the School Improvement and Accountability Framework: teaching, learning environment, leadership, resources and relationships.

We have a positive and dedicated staff who work together collaboratively across the school and who are committed to the education of our students. Parents are supportive of the school with an active and engaged P&C and School Board.

The school's ICSEA (Index of Community Socio-Educational Disadvantage) = 982 (2020)

For further information:

T: 08 9037 9086
Email: leinster.cs@education.wa.edu.au
Website: www.leinstercs.wa.edu.au