Yuna Primary School (5497)
School Overview
Yuna Primary School is located approximately 530km from Perth and 80kms Northeast of Geraldton, in the Chapman Valley region of the Mid-West.
Yuna is a small town consisting of a school, shire hall, CWA hall, community centre, tennis courts and a golf course. The major source of business in the community is broad acre farming, with little rural diversification.
The school was established on it's present site in 1962, with many of the parents attending the school in their younger days. It is the hub of the community, with families taking great pride in the school grounds and the achievements of their children. A consistent approach to two-way communication is a priority.
Kindergarten to Year 6 students enjoy a range of high quality educational programs, with an emphasis on catering for individual needs. High expectations ensure that all children reach their full potential academically, socially and emotionally. Excursions and incursions form an important part of the curriculum to provide extension and enrichment in specialist areas.
Our values (Learning, Excellence, Equity and Care) build the foundation of our approach to teaching and learning and form the basis of how we interact with each other. Parents and families are supportive and engaged in their child's learning. The school's decision-making processes are actioned in a consultative manner incorporating the Principal, staff, School Council, and the P&C Association.
Our learning environment consists of three brick linear classrooms, an adjoining administration area, library, utilities room and a technology shed. A huge undercover area completely covers a basketball court, and serves a variety of purposes. Other facilities include two swimming pools (one fully shaded), a mini putt golf course, two Olympic sized ground level trampolines, a nature playground and a shaded playground with a sand pit.
The school is extremely well resourced. We have two interactive whiteboards, a computer lab consisting of 10 computers and an iPad for every student. We have a comprehensive library collection, a large collection of modern teaching aids and a large variety of teaching resources.
Our team of experienced staff provide a safe and nurturing environment for all students. Through our positive behaviour approach, we encourage students to be respectful, responsible, caring and resilient. Our multi-age classroom settings provide students with opportunities to develop friendships with students of all ages, supported by regular visits to and from our neighbouring small schools for collaborative learning days.
The people in the Yuna community are very friendly, and always keen to welcome new people to the town and surrounding area. A proactive development group continually advocate for improved services and conditions for the town and the surrounding area.