Wyndham District High School (4108)
School Overview
The Wyndham District High School community prides ourselves on being a friendly and welcoming learning environment. Our school motto - 'Positive Attitudes, High Expectations' is practised daily. Being a Positive Behaviour School (PBS) we explicitly teach and practise our whole school expectations; Being the Achieving Kind, Being the Respectful Kind and Being Kind to Wyndham.
Wyndham District High School caters for students from K to 12. Secondary students have the opportunity to participate in programs designed to develop leadership, social-emotional development and work skills such as the Bushranger Cadets and the Horsemanship Program, both supported by local Aboriginal Corporations, Ngnowar Aerwah Aboriginal Corporation and Balanggarra. Year 10, 11 and 12 students have the opportunity to participate in VET subjects such as Hospitality. The students all have the opportunity to follow a WACE pathway through face to face teaching with subjects such as Outdoor Education and Visual Arts as well as participating in subjects through SIDE. Students who participate in SIDE have their own learning space with timetabled one on one support time with teachers. All Year 11 and 12 students have the opportunity to participate in School Based Traineeships or work placements.
Wyndham District High School has been a participant in the Kimberley Schools Project since 2018. Our KSP supported Kindlink program began in October 2019 and runs on Tuesdays and Wednesdays at the Wyndham Early Learning Centre (WELA) using the Aboriginal Abecedarian Approach and in partnership with WELA. Through the KSP project our staff regularly participate in coaching to ensure our teaching is targeted. Our AIEO team consists of four strong local educational leaders who work hard to maximise student attendance and support the whole school communities' well-being and sense of belonging. Meeting daily with the admin, the team makes daily attendance visits and acts as liaison between school and community. The team has led many initiatives throughout the school such as the Dads' Workshops. The AIEO team meet with teaching staff regularly to support with the curriculum design and lesson planning, ensuring the local Aboriginal perspectives are included. They support teachers with their attendance plans and give regular cultural professional development.
Wyndham District High School has strong partnerships within the community and work with local corporations such as Wyndham Youth Aboriginal Corporation and local agencies such as WAPOL to ensure a high level of care is given to all.
For more information about our school, please don't hesitate to get in touch. T: 91611063 E: Wyndham.DHS@education.wa.edu.au Facebook: @WyndhamDHS