Derby District High School (4073)

School Overview

Derby District High School is located in Derby which is situated at the southern end of King Sound in the Kimberley region of Western Australia. Derby is 220km east of Broome by road and is 2463km north of Perth. It was the first town settled in the Kimberley. Derby is well supported with a range of government infrastructures. Its location near the King Sound and a number of rivers provides for many boating and fishing recreational activities - but not swimming!

Derby District High School is located in attractive and well-maintained grounds and surroundings. With an enrolment of 600 students, it provides an education program for students from Kindergarten to Year 12. Students attend the school from the town of Derby and outlying areas including the Aboriginal Communities of Mowanjum and Pandanus Park. Students in Years 11 and 12 have access to a range of programs leading to secondary graduation. VET programs are offered in the school and in partnership with the local TAFE campus. The school has a very successful trade entry program and students are keen to trial employment and supported to connect with local trades. Subjects leading to university entrance are either delivered by school staff through a Uni-Prep course or through the School of Isolated and Distance Education.

With the school motto 'Diligence, Courage and Strength', students work towards high standards of academic and social achievement through participation and engagement in the school's inclusive, safe and stimulating learning environments. The staff is young and vibrant, bringing energy and enthusiasm to classrooms and community responsiveness. This fact ensures too that the interests of the students can be addressed in the teaching and learning programs. The school receives SSPRA funds which is used by the school to immerse and support students in a range of cultural, curriculum enrichment, academic extension, sporting events and camps.

School facilities includes air-conditioned classrooms, three computer laboratories, science laboratories, music room, home economics room, design and technology centre, kindergarten and pre-primary centres, library, canteen, oval and large undercover assembly and activity areas. All classrooms contain computers which are networked throughout the school and have wireless access to the internet. The Department of Education has funded a $20M rebuild of the secondary classrooms which includes a new Student Services and staff building and new Canteen. These will take Derby DHS into the future with flexible and innovative learning spaces.

Parents and local businesses willingly provide partnerships with the school to support and participate in the school's educational and recreational programs. The School Council plays an important and active role in the school.