Cyril Jackson Senior Campus (4015)

School Overview

Cyril Jackson Senior Campus provides students with an alternative approach to Year 11 and 12 schooling. It is one of two senior campuses in Western Australia that offer secondary education to students beyond the compulsory age of 18 years. Students attending include school-aged children working towards their Western Australian Certificate of Education, 18- and 19-year-old repeaters and mature age students, returning to education to gain tertiary entrance qualifications, to follow an interest or to gain a skill-based qualification.

Enrolments are accepted from across Western Australia and students hail from many diverse backgrounds. They enrol because they see Cyril Jackson SC as a place of opportunity to further their education. The Intensive English Centre caters for up to 150 newly arrived migrant or refugee students. These students participate in an English development program over two years before completing Years 11 and 12. International Fee Paying Students are also accepted.

Student pathways are multi-layered. Flexibility is the key to program delivery with students able to access a range of study modes either full-time, part-time or through online learning. Study programs offer transition to university, vocational training or the workforce following school through ATAR, General and Foundation courses and Certificates.

Vocational education courses provide authentic learning experiences for students enabling them to adapt to other workplace and social environments as a part of their training. For many students, completing a Work Place Learning program supports their development for future employment opportunities.

The Vision of Cyril Jackson SC is to deliver relevant and applicable learning experiences that foster hope and meet the needs of students. Respect and inclusivity are valued as are opportunity, achievement and resilience. As a school, CJ Changes Lives.

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