Department Endorsed Programs
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Primary Extension and Challenge Program
Primary Extension and Challenge (PEAC) is a part-time withdrawal program for upper primary school Years 5-6 students. Identified gifted and talented students are selected to participate in differentiated programs offered in a range of delivery modes.
Delivery modes include:
PEAC centres based within a district centre or office with a series of specialist courses or programs;
coordinator/s who establish courses in a range of schools and/or other sites and teachers are released to teach these;
allocation to schools and multi-age programs operate within schools; online delivery of programs
Programs focus on:
Social interaction with gifted and talented peers;
Intellectual rigour and challenge;
Pursuit of excellence;
Development of higher order process skills;
In-depth investigations of real problems;
Open-ended activities which encourage choice and negotiation;
Opportunities to interact with practising experts;
Students working at their own pace;
Self/peer evaluation and reflection of performance.
School-Based Programs
After School Clubs
Westfield Park recognises that many children in our community have limited access to extension activities out of school hours. We seek to provide three or four after school clubs, run by staff, each week. These vary from term to term and include; sporting activities, social skills, gardening, cooking and coding.
Be You (formally Kids Matter)
Westfield Park is a Kids Matter school. Kids Matter is an evidence-based mental health and wellbeing framework for primary schools. This on-going initiative is driven by an action group of staff and community and provides opportunities for the school community to work together to ensure strong health and wellbeing outcomes for children.
Breakfast Club
Embracing Tablet Technologies
The school has invested heavily in upgrading infrastructure and resources so that it can embrace tablet technology with children in the classroom. All classrooms have an Interactive Whiteboard and a group set of iPads. The school has Wi-Fi throughout its grounds. All teachers have been issued with an iPad.
Fathering Project
A reading catch-up program provided to children in Years 2 and 3 using On-Entry data to identify those with most need. The school aims to ensure that no child is left behind and that all children enter Year 4 functionally literate.
Playgroups & Allied Health Care
The Child & Parent Centre - Westfield Park provides support for children from 0 to 8 years old and their families. On-site allied health services, playgroups and parent workshops are available free to all in our community.
School-based Social Worker
The school employs a school-based social worker for three days per week. We are able to offer short-term counselling, referral to external agencies and mental health and well-being support in classrooms. The social worker is available to parents and families for consultation on parenting issues.
Sporting Schools
Sporting Schools is an Australian Government initiative designed to help schools to increase children's participation in sport, and to connect them with community sporting opportunities. Programs are provided free to children and their families to help students build the confidence and capability to be active for life.
Student Welfare Officer
Talk for Writing
A writing program that uses oracy to promote writing and literacy in Kindy to Year 6. Talk for Writing involves explicit teaching of vocabulary, imitating, innovating and inventing writing relating to the text type being taught.
Trauma Responsive School