School Of Special Educational Needs: Sensory (6212)

School Overview

The School of Special Educational Needs: Sensory (SSEN: S) provides lead educational support for children and students with hearing loss, vision impairment or dual sensory loss.

Our school understands that children and students have individual needs from birth until completion of school. We are united in our commitment to providing engaging and inclusive specialist teaching and learning of our Expanded Core Curricula, and collegiate professional capability building in both public and non-government schools throughout Western Australia.
We collectively strive to meet individual and school needs by providing collaborative, productive and targeted specialist educational services for babies, children, students, and schools to improve the wellbeing, engagement, and achievement of learners. In delivering a range of tiered and complementary educational programs, services, and targeted supports, we facilitate accessible learning environments, curriculum and school communities.

Quality teaching and learning programs occur in the Early Childhood Programs and Visiting Teacher Programs. In early childhood, early intervention and tailored curricula prepares children to successfully develop their sensory skills. The Visiting Teacher Programs provide direct teaching aligned to individual need, educational adjustment recommendations, consultation, and professional learning provision. All learning programs share practices to build capability and understanding of our family and school educational partners.

Supporting the achievement of our mission are allied specialists such as our teachers, audiologists, school psychologists, braille transcribers, captioning officer, educational interpreters, and committed support staff. Our aim is to build on strength to ensure success through purposeful, safe and confident learning.

At the School of Special Educational Needs: Sensory (SSEN: S), it is our mission to ensure every child with hearing loss, vision impairment or dual sensory loss achieves to their full potential.

Discover more about the School of Special Educational Needs: Sensory.
T: 9402 6409