Our Purpose Albany Secondary Education Support Centre (ASESC) is committed to providing a safe, caring and supportive environment where students are empowered to achieve their social, emotional and academic potential. We promote and maintain positive relationships both within our school community and with the larger community. We foster an inclusive environment that provides opportunities for all students to develop independence for life and actively contribute to society.
Our school aims for excellence in all areas and to be a leader for Western Australia in Education Support.
Our Values Respect and Responsibility, Excellence and Equity, Care and Commitment
ASESC caters for students with a mild to moderate intellectual disability from Years 7-13. All of our students are at educational risk with all requiring substantial or extensive adjustments to the teaching and learning program as well as the learning environment. As the only secondary education support centre in the region we attract students from as far afield as Kojonup and Jerramungup with many students travelling by bus from Denmark and Mount Barker.
ASESC is an Independent Public school and therefore enjoys greater flexibilities which enable us to be more proactive and responsive to student need, in particular with reference to our staffing profile, resources and facilities. We maintain a 1:1 iPad to student ratio, a school van and a school bus to support student community access and participation.
ASESC is a Positive Behaviour School. We explicitly teach our students the skills they need to be Safe, Responsible, Respectful, Positive and Caring. We recognise and reward effort and achievement and promote positive relationships for all members of our school community. Every student at ASESC has an Individual Education Plan which is tailored to their specific individual needs.
An important focus at ASESC is increasing student independence and ability to actively engage with and contribute to their community. ASESC is an ASDAN school which enables us to deliver an accredited program that makes learning relevant and transferable; develops skills for learning, skills for employment and skills for life and celebrates the diversity of our students. We enhance the learning experience with programs such as Community Work Crew, Workplace Learning and Bush Rangers which all assist our students in developing their skills for independence, gaining recognition for their achievements and preparing for the world beyond school.
At ASESC we believe communication represents an essential and very important human need and improving communication skills is a focus for all students. We have a multi modal approach to communication, which incorporates alternative augmentative communication systems such as Proloquo2go and PECS (Picture Exchange Communication Systems) as well as PODDS (Pragmatic Organisation Dynamic Display), to assist students with communication challenges. One particularly distinctive feature of ASESC is our HALO (or Rapid Prompting Method) program which is designed to support the learning needs of students with autism and communication challenges.