Leeming Senior High School Education Support Centre (6087)

School Overview

At Leeming Education Support Centre your child will thrive in an engaging and innovative learning environment.

Our students come from diverse socio-economic and cultural backgrounds - a feature which serves to enrich our learning environment. Working with our community, we achieve our school vision to have a 'happy and effective' school.

The positive and inclusive environment we create ensures that all members of our school community feel welcomed, safe, respected and valued. At Leeming ESC we provide specialised educational programs to meet the needs of our students with disabilities who are aged from 12 to 18 years. We are located just 17 kilometres south of Perth close to the Kwinana Freeway.

We pride ourselves on our strong pastoral care program that helps students cope better with the challenges that arise for young people. Our well established community partnerships give opportunities for real-life learning and will engage your child in relevant and meaningful experiences.

Leeming ESC's strong links with employers, TAFE's, employment agencies and the Disability Services Commission means we can provide opportunities for students to help them transition seamlessly to post-school life .

Our curriculum focuses on independent living, career education and recreation so your child can leave school with the skills to be successful, productive members of society. Our wonderful teachers work together as a team to ensure that each student is as work ready, socially appropriate and independent as possible.

Our Centre is very proud of our excellent employment record with a high percentage of our students obtaining work in their final year of schooling.

Leeming Senior High School and Leeming ESC, though two schools with their own administrations, have forged a unique, mutually beneficial relationship where the sharing of facilities, staff expertise, knowledge and programs is an integral part of the school culture. This partnership has created amazing opportunities for our students including participation in the development of our Trades Training Centre.

The excellent facilities offered across the two school sites help our students to consistently achieve outstanding results. Recent completion of a third classroom with kitchen facilities enhances life skill learning, and the vegetable gardens, shade house and coffee machines provide on-site work training across industry areas. We also embrace an IT rich learning environment.

Transport to Leeming ESC is available free through the School Bus Service if your child meets eligibility criteria. Bus links to excellent public transport facilities at Murdoch Park and Ride are available from just outside the school gate.

Discover more about Leeming ESC at leeming.shsesc@det.wa.edu.au or call 93135408 to make an appointment with the principal.