Meadow Springs Education Support Centre (6082)
School Overview
Meadow Springs Education Support Centre is an integrated specialist school that caters for students in Years K-6 who have an intellectual disability and / or including autism. Our school is committed to fostering a positive learning environment that promotes success for all students and gives your child the opportunity to achieve their full potential. As an Independent Public School we have the flexibility to choose our staff, determine the programs and learning activities that meet the needs of your child.
Your child will thrive in our supportive learning environment where we have on average one staff member for every two or three students. Each class of between 6 to 12 students is taught by our highly skilled staff who provide explicit, comprehensive programs. We prioritise English, Maths and Health and Wellbeing in order to maximise learning outcomes and skills needed for future success. Your child will also participate in real-world learning with a focus on protective behaviours, road safety, resiliency and emotional regulation in Health classes, and get involved in weekly waste wise, recycling and gardening projects in our outdoor classroom.
Currently, 75% of our students have a diagnosis of Autism, and all of our classrooms have programs and resources to support them, including a range of visual supports. Around 30% of our students have complex communication needs. We have trained staff, resources and supports in place to support communication development for these students. We work closely with families and therapists to ensure our approach is consistent across all environments, with a focus on training and supporting our families.
We are one of five schools in Western Australia to offer an Autism Early Intensive Intervention Program for children in Kindergarten and Pre-primary, providing this popular, highly sought after program for over 10 years. The program is for children identified as being at educational risk for Year 1. It builds their capacity in communication, social skills, fine motor skills and academic areas so that they can transition to Year 1 with minimal support.
We truly pride ourselves at Meadow Springs Education Support Centre on our focus and care for your individual child. We are a Positive Behaviour Support (PBS) School, and through our three behaviour expectations for staff and students: 'I am safe', 'I try my best' and 'I am respectful', we can respond to individual student needs through a school-wide system of positive behavioural supports. Every student has an Individual Education Plan (IEP) which is developed in collaboration with parents/carers and our therapists. We hold regular review meetings and giving individual reports to clearly demonstrate your child's progress and achievements.
We maintain a positive relationship with Meadow Springs Primary School, and all whole-school activities include students from both schools, such as swimming lessons, assemblies, incursions, camps, special activity days, sports events and Year 6 graduation. Our classrooms are integrated throughout the teaching blocks with at least one education support class in each block. Our students wear the same uniform and share the same break times and play spaces as other students of the same age across both schools. Within our school community our combined P&C and school board promotes an inclusive culture working to support the needs of all parents, staff and students at Meadow Springs Primary Schools.
T: 9537 0450 E: MeadowSprings.ESC@education.wa.edu.au