Westminster Education Support Centre (6046)
School Overview
Westminster Education Support Centre is a dynamic and vibrant school providing a safe, friendly student- focussed learning environment for our students. We offer various programs designed to develop our students' needs academically, socially and emotionally.
We believe that everyone has an integral part to play in ensuring our high standards are met and exceeded time after time. Our students receive individual learning programs which are planned with parents, carers and specialist staff. With encouragement and support, they are able to participate in all learning areas and achieve their individual outcomes. By learning relevant life skills our students are enabled to participate and contribute in the wider community with confidence and dignity.
We share a campus with both Westminster Junior Primary School and Westminster Primary School. This provides our students with an opportunity for integration and inclusion, through participation in whole school activities and the chance to take part in mainstream classes.
We share mainstream school facilities including the library, playground and art room. Our students participate in school assembly and excursions and are encouraged to become involved in everyday school life as much as possible.
Careful consideration of the needs of each child allows for meaningful integration across learning areas. Mainstream and Education Support Centre staff work in partnership to support an effective inclusive setting.
We have small classroom sizes with a high staff ratio. Teachers and Education Assistants are specially trained in educating students with disabilities.
Westminster Education Support Centre continues to be a centre of choice with many enrolments coming from areas other than local catchment. Parents receive recommendations from outside agencies such as the Autism Association, Local Area Coordinators from Disability Services Commission and Therapy providers. Another strength of Westminster Education Support Centre is the partnership that exists between the school and community.
'We inspire all students in a supportive environment and encourage opportunities for success.'
For more information on how our excellent programs can be tailored to the needs of your child, please contact us at T: 9413 5000 E: Westminster.ESC@education.wa.edu.au