North East Metropolitan Language Development Centre (6042)

School Overview

Our school is a safe and welcoming environment where students, their families and staff feel valued and respected. Our vision is to be an informed, dynamic and influential school that builds the foundations of language and communication for lifetime success.

Our school motto is 'Developing language. Building futures' which underpins our commitment to learning, equity, excellence and care in everything we do.

We are a proud Independent Public School co-located on the West Morley, North Balga and Beechboro Primary School sites, with the administration situated at West Morley. We provide specialised language programs to meet the individual learning and social needs of students from Kindergarten to Year 2 who have been identified as having a Developmental Language Disorder (DLD).

The Western Australian Curriculum and the Early Years Learning Framework is delivered through evidence based programs with an oral language focus to 300 students by an interdisciplinary team of teachers, speech pathologists and support staff, skilled in language development. Students develop the relevant skills, knowledge and language associated with all aspects of the Curriculum and the Early Years Learning Framework.

Families of our students are respected and valued as partners in education and support their child's language development through parent workshops, parent/teacher meetings, and in-class support. Parent participation is also encouraged through involvement with the P&C and School Board.

To be considered for placement, a speech pathology, psychometric / developmental assessment and a completed teacher or carer questionnaire need to be provided. A stringent selection process ensures places are offered to students who meet eligibility criteria and demonstrate both the highest need and strongest ability to successfully access the learning programs.

Additionally, we offer support for mainstream staff and students across the North East Metropolitan and Wheatbelt Education Region through Outreach. Outreach is a team of speech pathologists and teachers who, via a range of professional learning and consultation opportunities, build the capacity of mainstream staff to cater for children with speech and language difficulties.

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