Mosman Park School for Deaf Children is a dynamic school which caters for the specific needs of Deaf and Hard of Hearing children. Deaf language and culture are celebrated here, and our bilingual staff and students are proud to communicate in Auslan (Australian Sign Language) and English. This language rich environment allows children to fully access the curriculum and achieve their highest potential. We do not consider deafness to be a disability and our strong ethos of 'Deaf Kids Can!!' permeates through all that we do.
Children are immersed in a language rich environment where specialised teachers of the Deaf design learning programs targeted to specifically meet each their unique needs. They are supported by a team of professionals including Auslan interpreters, Deaf Role Models, audiologists, speech therapists, school psychologists and more. Together they use their expertise to develop a program which addresses the explicit learning needs of every individual child.
We understand Deaf children and how they learn. We know that visual learning is more than just showing pictures. Just as Auslan is a three dimensional language, our classes are also 3D; and we provide our children with real opportunities to have a go and make their own mistakes - the best platform for learning.
Our school is committed to providing a stimulating, safe environment where each child has the opportunity to fully develop academic, social, emotional, physical and creative skills. We are committed to equal opportunity, provision of student support and the integration of children with special needs. Our school has a wonderful ethos of being a caring, friendly and community-centered school which has many outstanding features. It is held in high regard by our parents and the community as a centre of learning excellence.
We encourage you to contact us to find out more about our school:
T: 08 6458 7770 E: W: