Port Hedland School Of The Air (5930)

School Overview

Port Hedland School of the Air enables distance education students in the Pilbara to have peer and teacher contact on a regular basis. Catering for the needs of students in distance education can be challenging, however we work hard to tailor our programs to your individual child. Most students work on modified or specifically designed programs, which cater for their individual developmental needs.

Enrolments fluctuate from 20 to 50 with students mostly located on cattle stations and within national parks. Whilst being the smallest of the five Western Australian Schools of the Air, our school has the second largest area, covering 560 000 square km.

Students are provided with laptop computers, a NBN Co Internet connection, school supplies and printed learning programmes based on the Australian (Western Australian) Curriculum. Each child attends a series of 40 minute online lessons with their teachers throughout the day, in addition to completing offline materials. Students also utilise technology to complete other online educational activities as prescribed by their teachers. The school day commences at 8.00am and concludes at 2.20pm, much the same as mainstream schools in the Pilbara.

Most children return and complete 'sets' (programs of work) regularly which are assessed by their teachers. Each child attends a series of 40 minute online sessions throughout the day with their teachers, in addition to completing offline materials. Students also utilise technology to complete other online educational activities as prescribed by their teachers.

To enhance opportunities for social development, students attend several camps throughout the year, as well as receive home visits. These include the Home Tutors Seminar, Mid-Year Camp, School of the Air (SOTA) Muster and bi-annual Canberra Camp. These face-to-face interactions are vital to our students' development.

Teachers communicate daily with their students through ZOOM, an internet-based system that replaced HF radio in 2004. It provides high quality voice clarity, as well as a range of tools that enhance lesson presentation through interactive media.

Teachers visit their students and home tutors throughout the year as required. Students also spend time at school in Port Hedland with school personnel. A range of camps and get-togethers during the year enhance educational and social interaction opportunities with their peers, staff and other families. Port Hedland School of the Air also engages with other Schools of the Air on intrastate and interstate excursions.

The school is supported by a school council, which consists of five parent and four staff representatives, including the Principal. This group meets three times a year and plays a key role in providing the school community with input into school planning and decisions. Our Parents and Citizens Association also provides strong support to the school and its students.

Staff work within a modern building with state of the art electronic resources. Teachers' workstations have email and internet access and are linked through a sophisticated network to support the planning, reporting and communication processes of the school.

Get in contact with us for more information.

T: 9172 8100
W: porthedlandsota.wa.edu.au

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