Kalgoorlie School of the Air is a learning community that highly values life-long learning and excellence in student achievement of isolated children across the Goldfields from Kindergarten to Year 6 in a distance education context.
Our staff are an experienced, dedicated group of professionals who are working effectively together to enhance the performance of all students and to manage and improve our school facilities and academic programs. Our interactions as a school community are guided by our values: respect, integrity, collaboration and compassion.
Our approaches to teaching and learning are that every child can succeed and that our staff understand that the quality of their relationships with students, tutors and families is the key to success and a crucial element to create a sense of belonging and connectedness. While our academic focus is strong, we also believe in the importance of the non-academic needs of our students and in meeting their emotional, physical and behavioural needs for them to be successful learners and happy children.
We aim to create a comprehensive and well-rounded curriculum consisting of a blend of online and written materials. Teachers work collaboratively to plan, write and implement innovative programs (based on the Western Australian Curriculum) and strategies which put students at the center of all planning. The focus is on maximising the learning for all students and our whole school approaches in literacy and numeracy help to achieve this. AUSLAN is currently provided to all students from Y3 to Year 6 by a specialist teacher.
Students are supplied with resources and materials to complete their school activities and each student attends daily online sessions with the principal and their teachers, in addition to completing offline written programs with their tutors. Students further utilise technology to complete other online educational activities as prescribed by their teachers.
Teachers visit their students for face-to-face learning opportunities during the year and a range of week-long camps and in-school visits enhance the educational and social interaction of students with their peers, staff and other families.
Our school community is positive and keen to support our students through the fundraising efforts of our Parents and Citizen Association and the leadership and governance of the School Council. The learning environment of our school is a shared responsibility, between students, teachers, parents and tutors, and we all strive to represent and reflect the needs of our community.
If you would like to find out more about our school, please contact us on 9092 4000 or email: kalgoorlie.sota@education.wa.edu.au