Wellard Village Primary School (5871)
School Overview
Wellard Village Primary School commenced operation in 2023, with 337 students and 35 staff. The school is located on the corner of Brentford Parade and Lambeth Circle within the City of Kwinana, approximately 35km south of Perth. The school is built on and situated next to Tuart Woodlands and Forests of the Swan Coastal Plain.
To ensure the management of the native vegetation and fauna surrounding our school an 'Environmental Offset Plan' and a 'Vegetation and Fauna Management Plan' are implemented. To acknowledge the cultural and environmental history of our school, we have named our teams to embed Noongar language and connect to our local environment. Wardarn (Ocean- Blue), named in reference to Kwinana Beach and our 'she sells seashells artwork'. Marlak (Bush- Red), named in reference to the bush area at the back of our school. Binjar (Swamp- Green), named in reference to the Leda Swamp in our local intake area. Djarlma (Forest- Purple), named in reference to the Tuart Forest our school site is on.
Our school is a state-of-the-art facility with beautifully landscaped surrounds. Our buildings include an administration block, library, staffroom, early childhood block, two double story and one single story general learning blocks including a media arts and languages room, a covered assembly area with a music room and canteen, an oval with tiered seating and hard courts.
To acknowledge the history of the site and the First Nation people we have also named our buildings using Noongar language. The words selected have been tied to our school motto of 'Building the minds of tomorrow' to mark the passage of time, much like the school day, term, year. Block 1 Djidar (dawn); Block 2 Bina (light of the morning); Block 3 Doodja (heat of the day); Block 4 Djart (sunset) and our Oval Kanana (land where the sun sets).
Our school's mission is to create an inclusive, connected community. This mission is clearly reflected in the design of our school logo with the integrated pattern of united hexagons. The architecture of our hexagons acts like that of a beehive, where all the bees work together to ensure the success of all. Our goal at WVPS is to create an inclusive environment where everyone feels like they belong. Our learning environment is a unified, positive, and harmonious space where children feel safe and accountable. We value the impact that connections can have on student learning and to foster this we work in partnership with families to ensure that they play an active role in their child/ren's learning journey.
Our vision, 'together, we embrace diversity and empower our students by building inquiring minds' reflects the layers of diversity in Wellard. Our school is culturally diverse, and our students and their families come from a wide variety of places around the world. We have over 38 languages spoken at our school and 6% of our population is Indigenous and 58% have a language background other than English.
Our school values of 'Courage, Compassion and Responsibility', reflect those of the Wellard Village Community. Our school utilises positive behaviour support (PBS) to educate our students about our values and expectations as well as to support their social and emotional development.
Our focus at Wellard Village is on developing the whole child, and ensuring all students are catered for. Our children are provided with a balanced curriculum, through explicit teaching of the Western Australian Curriculum. We utilise explicit teaching, play-based learning, and inquiry alongside the Quality Teaching Strategy to ensure our students have the knowledge and skills to succeed. Our school wide approaches are guided by our pedagogical framework and the use of data to inform our evidence-based practices, ensuring we meet the needs of our students.
Our school culture is based on powerful relationships where we work in collaboration with all key stakeholders and the wider community. Staff work within a team environment and are highly collaborative and reflective practitioners who work together to ensure the best outcomes for all students. Our school offers specialist curriculum areas that include: Physical Education, Music Education, Media Arts, and Languages (Auslan).
To find out more about our school please visit: https://wellardvillageps.wa.edu.au
Jaclyn Huts, Rachel Dowling and Aleesha Meuleners Foundation Leadership Team, 2023