Alkimos Beach Primary School (5848)
School Overview
Alkimos Beach Primary School, located approximately 45km from Perth, opened in 2017 catering for children from Kindergarten to Year 6.
We are a school with strong values and are committed to developing a highly engaging and dynamic learning program for your children.
At Alkimos Beach Primary School, we believe that each child has the right to be respected and has a responsibility to respect others. An important priority of our school is creating a warm, caring and supportive learning environment, both with your children and the community.
Our school has purpose built art, science and music rooms, a modern large undercover area, wi-fi technology and comfortable classrooms, all set among beautifully landscaped grounds.
We welcome you to our school and encourage you to contact us if you have any queries about the school or with enrolments.
Principal: Michelle Wellsteed T: 9561 7200 E: alkimosbeach.ps@education.wa.edu.au F: @Alkimos-Beach-Primary-School