Maylands Peninsula Primary School is a proud Independent Public School catering for 670 students from Kindergarten to Year 6. Our family friendly, community feel creates a culture which reinforces the acceptance of diversity and promotes inclusivity. We enjoy an environment where all children can learn with confidence and excel.
The school has a richly diverse socio-economic and cultural population with 19% of our students born in 40 different overseas countries. 51% of our students speak a language other than English, with 69 other languages spoken. We operate an English as an Additional Language support program.
We are committed to providing a caring, practical, flexible, innovative and inclusive education for our students. We pride ourselves on our balanced curriculum. Whole school targeted approaches to literacy, numeracy and science are features of our school. Values education is addressed through the Games Factory's 'Play is the Way', in which students participate in daily team games to build self-esteem, resilience and an appreciation of diversity amongst their peers.
Our school offers an extensive music program provided through a music specialist, Instrumental Music School Services tutors and a private provider offering keyboard and guitar tuition. All students participate in dance programs that culminate in a number of community performances.
An annual Arts Night showcases students' visual art skills and the repertoire of our school rock band. We are very proud of our sporting achievements in a range of events against local schools. Students have access to a variety of ICT equipment including class sets of laptops and tablets, accessing the school's network wirelessly.
The school enjoys the support of an engaged school community with direction provided by the School Board and an active Parents and Citizens' Association working to raise funds to supplement identified student needs. Parents are involved with the school at many levels from helping out in classrooms to facilitating student gardening groups.
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