Arbor Grove Primary School (5792)

School Overview

Arbor Grove Primary School's dedicated and highly qualified staff are focussed on achieving strong social, emotional and academic outcomes for your child.

We offer a caring and nurturing learning environment. Children at our school are respectful, resilient and self-disciplined - they value learning.

Our teachers are avid lifelong learners with high expectations - in terms of both your child's learning and their behaviour. Their joy for teaching is infectious. Your child will enjoy coming to school each and every day.

We are committed to evidence-based quality teaching and learning programs that enable your child to develop the skills to become an independent learner.

While our main focus is on developing your child's literacy and numeracy skills, we also have opportunities to participate in a range of specialist programs and extra-curricular activities including science, physical education, learning another language, music and Jump Jam.

Our dedicated and experienced teachers are focused on engagement, attendance and pastoral care. Our pastoral care support includes our Aboriginal and Islander Education Officer, school psychologist and a school chaplain. We endeavour to take a holistic approach to support all children through active case management.

Our school community is very diverse. Children from over 40 different cultures and backgrounds attend our school. Our commitment to these children makes us a school of excellence in academic, social and emotional development. We understand the importance of providing opportunities for your child to move towards becoming a self-regulated and active participant in their learning, and a contributing member of society.

We work with you and the community in partnership. Through this partnership we are able to provide a safe and supportive environment underpinned by our school values.

We are a Positive Behaviour Support school. This framework ensures a consistent approach, explicitly taught positive behaviours, with children receiving frequent reinforcement and feedback.

Please call to find out more about what we can offer your child:

T: 9297 9300