Ranford Primary School (5764)

School Overview

Ranford Primary is an Independent Public School located in the suburb of Canning Vale. We currently have 650 students from Kindergarten to Year 6. In 2014, the school received a Department of Education of Western Australia Certificate of Excellence, acknowledging that the teaching and learning programs, leadership and learning environment was of an exemplary standard as determined by an independent expert review panel. In 2015 the school was named WA Primary School of the Year.
Our school has a campus of five teaching blocks and spacious well maintained grounds with shared community facilities. Teaching and learning environments reflect a positive and innovative attitude towards maximising learning opportunities through a school wide focus on visible learning, explicit teaching and high expectations.
Cutting edge digital technologies programs and resources are embedded in our curriculum from Kindergarten to Year 6. Student progress and achievement is monitored using authentic assessments and external validation.
Your child's behaviour is managed by the 'Motivating Student Learning Policy', a positive approach promoting responsibility and respect, built on a strong values based foundation with a focus on well-being, independence and resiliency. A daily communication system with parents ensures a partnership in meeting each child's academic, social and emotional needs.
Values, well-being and pastoral care programs add to the development of the whole child. Specialist teachers in science, media arts, physical education, health and well-being and languages develop curriculum programs in these learning areas and a specialist teacher supports students learning English as their second or additional language.
Ranford Primary has a proud reputation for its focus on the individual child, specifically targeting differentiated literacy and numeracy learning and by providing a range of programs which provide the opportunity for inclusion, support and challenge. The professional development of staff is highly valued in building the capacity of the school to allow each child to achieve their potential.
We encourage you to visit our school to find out what we can offer your child.
T: 9324 0700
E: ranford.ps@education.wa.edu.au
W: ranfordps.wa.edu.au