Riverside Primary School (5737)

School Overview

Riverside Primary School is a Level 5 school with approximately 480 students enrolled in Kindergarten to Year 6. Riverside draws from a wide boundary catchment area. Families of Riverside are from diverse social and economic backgrounds. This makes Riverside unique in that it is catering for most spectrums of society. There is also a high rate of transiency. Both of these factors create their own set of challenges to work through at the school.

The school became an Independent Public School in 2013 which has allowed the school to select its own staff This has had a very positive affect. The school Board is developing and is becoming more efficient each year.

The Riverside Education Support Centre is on site and has classrooms scattered throughout the school. Their students use all the primary school facilities and integrate with the school in some of its programs. Both schools have a joint P & C and School Board.

Parent involvement in the school is encouraged, with a strong emphasis on the P & C Association. The P&C contributes on average $10000 - $15000 to the school's resource base annually, and manages the operations of the canteen and uniform shop. The P & C has donated outdoor equipment across all grades.

Riverside Primary School is committed to providing students with a holistic education that enables them to reach their potential academically, physically, socially and emotionally. It recognizes the roles that students, staff and the whole community have in providing opportunities for students to be empowered to embrace the future.

The focus of teaching, learning and assessment will be in the areas of English, Mathematics and Science through implementation of the new Australian Curriculum.

The library is a focus for resources in the school and all children participate in a program that includes explicit teaching of library skills in research and borrowing skills.

The school has a strong pastoral care program. There are many programs in place to assist students to feel supported at school. The 'Rec Room' is a place students can go during Recess and Lunch time. There is also a variety of clubs that students can access during Lunch times.
We are very fortunate to have a .6FTE Chaplain who is involved in running the BUZZ and Rainbow programs with identified students.

The school purchases new computers annually to supplement the interactive whiteboards that are in every classroom. The focus has been to embed technology in the classroom and develop teacher experience with the technology.Each class is rostered to have at least one weekly session in the computer lab.

Students enjoy learning in modern facilities and have access to a wide array of playground equipment. All classrooms are airconditioned and well resourced.

Discover more about Riverside Primary School on our website https://riversideps.wa.edu.au