Our high quality teachers concentrate on the development of a strong growth mindset and foster a strong 'can do attitude'. Our belief is that all students can learn and achieve at the highest level regardless of their background.
Clarkson Primary School is an Independent Public School catering for students from Kindergarten to Year 6 in the suburb of Clarkson and surrounding areas.
Our school provides evidence based learning programs (John Hattie's Visible Learning), promotes community participation and develops a supportive and nurturing school environment for students, parents and staff.
Clarkson Primary School celebrates a rich cultural diversity with a high proportion of our students from language backgrounds other than English. Approximately 17% of our students are of Indigenous origin and many from countries such as the UK, New Zealand and Asia.
Our school is supported by a chaplain (Monday & Tuesday), Aboriginal and Islander Education Officer (Monday to Friday) and school psychologist(Wednesdays) each week. A fully established Early Start Program for three year olds and their parents helps ensure they are ready for the start of school and is now available for those enrolling in Kindergarten from around the start of Term 3. The Reading enrichment, positive behaviours, Rugby League, Coding Club and lunch time programs (aerobics, sporting competitions, gardening clubs and band) all combine to create a safe and friendly environment that is designed to engage all students in their learning.
Our specialist areas are science, information and communication technology, physical education and performing arts, with each area being catered for by high quality educators who specialise in their fields. All of the above provide a high care, high performance and supportive environment that enables every student to flourish.
Each classroom were fitted with state of the art interactive Panels in 2020 and all have access to desktop computers, laptops and iPads, the school has full Wi-Fi access. The school grounds are covered in native trees with four separate garden areas where students plant, nurture, harvest and eventually eat the produce in carefully structured and prepared classes. We're currently in the process of developing our own nature scape playground in which students can play and enjoy themselves like children should.
Staff at Clarkson Primary School are committed to the development of the whole child and place students at the centre of all planning. Our school is supported by a school board, representative of the school and the wider community. The board plays a major governance role in the school embracing and supporting the student centred approach on which the school bases its operations. Clarkson Primary School is also supported by an active Parents and Citizens Association and continues to develop initiatives that encourage the parent community to contribute to engage with the school.
The ongoing growth of Clarkson Primary School will be closely linked to a supportive and interactive partnership with our community. We believe it takes the support and cooperation of the entire school community to raise a child and are proud to say that Clarkson Primary School is a fine example of this.
E: Clarkson.PS@education.wa.edu.au