West Beechboro Primary School is an Independent Public School catering for students from Kindergarten to Year 6. Our school is culturally diverse and educates students from many backgrounds. We offer a variety of integrated learning programs. While literacy and numeracy are priority areas, science, technology, arts and humanities are interwoven to ensure students receive a holistic, well-balanced, education. Our staff continually review our teaching framework to ensure consistent learning and communication is delivered to the school community.
Students from Kindergarten to Year 2 are taught specific literacy and numeracy skills, providing them a solid foundation for future learning. Our senior female students have the opportunity to participate in an after school science club. Digital technologies are integrated throughout our school. And we have a special program in art and theatre design for our gifted students.
Our Aboriginal students, and students who speak English as a second language, are provided with additional support. Our special programs and expert teachers and support staff provide essential literacy and numeracy skills to enable these students to achieve academic success at the highest level.
The social and emotional needs of our students are addressed through our Virtues Project which runs across all year levels. This program is supported by a Reflective Behaviour model. School governance is through a school board. Our balanced mix of professional staff, community members and representatives of the parent group, work in established guidelines to give us valuable support, ensuring we operate effectively. Seesaw, as an interactive social platform, ensures open, clear communication between our school and our parents.
Our school is of modern design and incorporates many special features and facilities, which provide a pleasant and stimulating environment for students, staff and the community.
We encourage you to contact us to find out what we can offer you're your child:
T: 9377 6091 E: WestBeechboro.PS@education.wa.edu.au W: westbeechborops.wa.edu.au