Wananami Remote Community School (5714)
School Overview
Wananami Remote Community School is located on Mount Barnett Station in the spectacular Kimberley Region of Western Australia, approximately 500kms north of Broome. While Wananami is situated in the community of Kupungarri/Mount Barnett, it services three communities: Imintji, Kupungarri and Dodnun, all found along the iconic Gibb River Road. Students travel from Imintji and Dodnun by bus for up to an hour each way to and from school.
The school provides teaching and learning programs from Kindergarten to Year 6, for predominantly Indigenous students, aged between 4 and 11 years. Most students come from an Aboriginal English or English as a second dialect background and some are familiar with the local Aboriginal language, 'Ngarinyin'. Despite the school's isolated location, many programs and facilities are available to the students including wifi, satellite internet, fibre optic connection between classrooms, a range of digital learning equipment, fully equipped commercial kitchen, an edible garden with adjoining gardening tool shed for students, both a sports shed and an extensive bicycle shed, a new library and picturesque gardens and grounds. There are 3 classrooms including an Early Childhood Centre with a recently refurbished playground area, complete with new shade sails, benches and environmental playground elements.
Our classes are structured as multi-age groups with the Junior Class devoted to K-1, the Middle Class dedicated to Years 2 - 4 and the Senior Class focusing on Years 4 - 6. The dedicated staff consists of a Principal, 3 teachers, a Manager for Corporate Services and a number of Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal support staff, including a part time gardener and cleaner.
There are strong links with the 3 communities while staff and students are committed to school progress, increased student performance and addressing the improvement of outcomes, with priorities in literacy, numeracy, health and well-being and attendance.
Wananami RCS enjoys a unique, rugged and beautiful location. It is one of the more remote Kimberley schools and it is quite normal for the school and community to be cut off during the 'wet' due to heavy rains. These same conditions provide a spectacular and challenging environment in which to live and work.