Edney Primary School (5699)

School Overview

Edney Primary School is an Independent Public School located in the suburb of High Wycombe.

Edney Primary School is a safe, happy and positive school, where all members of our community, staff, students and parents feel valued, listened to and supported to be their best.

Respect and Excellence are our vision.
Respect - we show respect by speaking and acting with courtesy. We treat others with dignity and honour the rules of our family, school and nation. Respect yourself, and others will respect you.

Excellence - excellence is doing your best, giving careful attention to every task and every relationship. Excellence is effort guided by a noble purpose. When you practice excellence, you bring your gifts to fruition. Excellence is the key to success.

Our staff are a mix of both highly experienced practitioners and beginning teachers. Each staff member brings a special enthusiasm and commitment to student learning while focusing on a collaborative team model in planning for continuous improvement. The Curriculum encompasses a broad range of learning areas where students engage both individually and cooperatively in learning units which ensure achievement of appropriate outcomes. Art, LOTE (Italian), and Physical Education all enjoy a high profile through quality specialist programs.

We apply Behaviour Management and Anti-Bullying Policies which supports the theory of restoration of good behaviour through supportive staff, Peer Mediators, school leaders, appropriate consequences and working closely with parents.

We engage in continuous reflection to ensure good practice is achieved and student-learning outcomes are maximised to enhance each student's academic, social, creative, physical and personal development, thereby enabling them to fulfil their potential and contribute to the development of society.

The school has 18 classrooms catering for our Kindergarten to Year 6 students in clusters, some of which are constructed in pairs to facilitate collaborative learning practices.

Our school board guides our decision making, with parent and community views strongly represented as well as an active and dedicated Parents & Citizens Association.

For more information contact us on:
E: edney.ps@education.wa.edu.au
T: 08 9454 8377