Beechboro Primary School (5696)

School Overview

Beechboro Primary School, 14km east of Perth, caters for children from Kindergarten to Year 6. Our specialised team of teachers and education assistants provide innovative and engaging classes for children. We enjoy very close bonds with our community who share our high expectations of student academic achievement and behaviour.

Our school is a league of many nations and comprises families who speak as many as 35 distinctly different languages and dialects other than English. Almost 50% of our students are bilingual with many being trilingual.

Our positive and challenging teaching programs allow all students to develop the necessary knowledge and skills to become confident independent learners. The school has a strong focus on Literacy and Numeracy with extra support provided to classroom teachers in these Learning Areas. We also offer specialist classes in English, Music and Physical Education. Our extra-curricular activities include choir, drama and instrument tuition and we also offer extra training in basketball, soccer, rugby and more. The school continues to be invited to enter state-wide competitions.

Students are taught in classrooms that are fitted with multimedia teaching facilities, including the most up-to-date electronic whiteboards and iPads. There is also a computer lab which every class has access to. Our Kindergarten and Pre-primary students also enjoy their own outdoor play area and garden. The school is fully air conditioned providing a pleasant learning environment throughout the year.

Beechboro Primary School's motto is 'Caring and Sharing'. We have a strong ethos of being a warm, caring and friendly community where every student is treated as a valued individual. We have a very strong behaviour management program running through the school emphasizing positive behaviours. Our very popular 'B.U.G' awards, help students to understand and be rewarded for their positive efforts through all aspects of school life.

To find out more information or to have a guided tour of the school please email the school principal at or telephone 93775500 to make an appointment.