Tambrey Primary School (5690)

School Overview

Tambrey Primary School was established in 1989 and is named after Tambrey Station, one of the first cattle stations in the district. We welcome enrolments from the suburbs of Tambrey, Jingari, Nickol and Nickol West and cater for approximately 650 children from a diverse range of social and cultural backgrounds.

We are committed to the ethos of nurture, inspire and achieve, and share high expectations of ourselves and our students. We are a dynamic, innovative and inclusive community that nurtures and inspires lifelong learning and high levels of achievement for all. Our school is a professional learning community where there is a culture of continuous improvement, collaboration and evidence based practice. Our balanced curriculum includes specialist programs in the arts, physical education, languages, digital technologies, science, talented and gifted, and intervention, as well as whole school literacy and numeracy programs that ensure high quality low variance teaching.

Our school is community orientated. We actively support and participate in the Karratha schools network. Student learning is strengthened through partnerships with parent groups, industry, local business, Government agencies, not for profit organisations and Aboriginal corporations working together to ensure a high quality education for all children. Numerous events are held each year with great participation from parents and community members.

The staff at Tambrey Primary School are committed to providing an inclusive learning environment in which all members of the school community can thrive. Our Positive Behaviour Support focuses on: Strive for Personal Growth, Take Responsibility, Act Safe and Respect

The Western Australian Values of Schooling articulate what we believe all our students should value. These are: Respect and concern for others and their rights; Pursuit of knowledge and commitment to the achievement of potential; Self-acceptance and respect of self; Social and civic responsibility and Environmental responsibility

Our beliefs are: Providing quality teaching is evidence based, with high impact and low variation; Effective literacy and numeracy skills are critical to successful learning; The health and well being of all staff and students is vital; Positive partnerships must exist between school, home and the wider community; Everyone is capable of achieving great things; Learning is a lifelong journey; Diversity and inclusivity are to be valued and celebrated and the standard you walk past is the standard you accept.

Please call us to find out more (08) 9186 7400