Glengarry Primary School is an attractive school located in the suburb of Duncraig, approximately 15 kilometres north of Perth City. The well-kept buildings, featuring student made mosaic masterpieces are surrounded by tranquil, natural bushland, flowerbeds and well maintained grassed and bitumen play areas.
The supportive, dedicated and experienced staff works collaboratively to enhance each of the almost 400 student's physical, social, academic and emotional development. Assisted by continuing professional development, the staff is working to prepare students for the many demands and rapid change of the 21st century. The school is well resourced, especially in the area of technology.
The whole Glengarry Primary School community works collaboratively to ensure a strong culture of learning. Parents are valuable partners, exemplified by their voluntary support in learning and sporting programs, involvement in decision making processes and fundraising and continuing interest in their children's development. The dress code was established by the school community and is worn by all students.
Glengarry Primary School enjoys wider community support from local businesses and organisations. The school also supports charitable organisations such as the Heart Foundation, Guide Dogs, Cerebral Palsy Association and Anglicare.
School programs cater for all students' needs through the literacy support programs, the extension program and the use of multiple intelligences, thinking skills and activity-based learning. Music programs, House activities, involvement in the 'HOPE' (Help Our Precious Environment) group, the fact that students are trusted with responsibilities, the explicit teaching of values, and the school's positive behaviour management plan contribute to each student's overall development. Students are often commended on their wonderful behaviour when visitors come to the school or students visit other locations.
Glengarry Primary School students' academic ability consistently compares well with like schools and is consistently above the state average in annual national assessments. Students have received commendations on their involvement in the 'Tournament of Minds'. The school boasts many achievements of former students including their winning of prestigious competitions in music and acceptance into academically talented, specialised sporting and arts programs at secondary level.
The school's motto is 'WE CARE' and this is evident throughout the whole school community.