Gwynne Park Primary School (5615)

School Overview

Welcome to Gwynne Park Primary School.

Our school is a community hub where your child will be nurtured and develop a lifelong love of learning in a stimulating and fun environment. Our highly qualified teachers love what they do, and will help your child reach their potential as well as inspire them to try new things every day.

Gwynne Park has a richly diverse community, with students representing over 25 different ethnic backgrounds. This will give your child the opportunity to learn about other cultures and develop the values of empathy and tolerance towards others. This is a great way to develop an interest and a love in your child for the world around them.

The primary school has a Principal and two Deputy Principals positions, and specialists in Aboriginal cultural studies, health and physical education, art/craft, music/dance, and library/information and communication (ICT). There are two Aboriginal Islander Education Officers who provide positive home-school partnerships and help increase the learning outcomes for Aboriginal students. The school is also fortunate enough to have a committed group of highly skilled Education Assistants working as paraprofessionals with children across all year levels.

An active P&C and School Council contribute to a collaborative organisation dedicated to meeting the academic and social needs of your child.

We welcome you to learn more about our amazing school.

Contact details:
Phone: 08 9391 4000
Address: 11 Tijuana Road
Armadale WA 6112