Carine Primary School is an Independent Public School with a current enrolment of 590 students from Kindergarten to Year 6. We are a bright and vibrant school where our students are at the heart of everything we do. Our students accept responsibility to set goals, self-reflect, self-assess, work both collaboratively and individually, problem solve and negotiate aspects of the curriculum. Digital and design technologies are an increasingly important part of the curriculum and are integrated into all learning areas. Our school motto, 'Our Best Always', is demonstrated in our dedication to excellence in teaching and learning. Our motto, vision, beliefs and values reflect what we stand for and define who we are. We nurture positive self-esteem in all our students through teaching positive mental thinking and we attend to health and well being, both within the staff and in the classrooms. We also explicitly teach our students the Values for Australian Schooling. This results in a friendly, positive and inclusive environment where students are supported and encouraged to care for and respect themselves and others. Their survey feedback confirms this commitment. A strong feature of the school is the experienced and talented staff whose collaborative approach is appreciated and valued throughout the wider school community. We commit to our staff service values which can be found on our website. In order to implement all of our programs, the school has four specialist teachers in the areas of Language (French), Physical Education, Music and Literature (the latter with an emphasis on philosophical thinking.) Our ongoing priority remains higher order thinking skills as these form the basis of innovation and creativity, skills our students will need for their futures. STEM is also a current priority and we have been successful in partnering with Curtin University in a two year action learning project being funded through our successful grant application. This will progress STEM teaching in our school and across other schools in our network. Distributed leadership is a feature of our staff with highly skilled teachers taking on junior, middle and upper curriculum leadership. The school's business plan and the accompanying operational plans are dynamic documents responding to the needs of our students. Our priorities are set on an evidence base. The staff commits to constantly reflect on performance and to improving practices in order to maximise the learning opportunities for every student. Our vision reflects this commitment - 'Quality teaching differentiating to improve student progress.' We have a talented and committed School Board who supports us in our Business Planning and their contributions are valued and appreciated. They ensure we maintain our focus and monitor the extent to which we are achieving the targets we have set in our Business Plan. They also ensure our professional learning aligns with our initiatives, incorporates system priorities and that our policies reflect contemporary best practice. The Parents and Citizens Association (P&C) is active and committed to fundraising to assist the school, as well as being involved and supporting a variety of community events. Please refer to our website for more information on our school and note our contact details below. T: 94474266 W: E: