Waddington Primary School (5592)

School Overview

Waddington Primary School is a school that provides individual attention to all of our students from Kindergarten to Year six. We have a strong focus on pastoral care and value the positive relationships we have with our school community. Our school offers a range of support for students and their families which include programs such as 12 Buckets Mentoring Program, WANSLEA, Roseworth Child and Parent Centre Workshops, and access to face to face Communicare support. Their Care is an Out of Hours Care provider who operate after hours school care from 3pm to 6pm on site. We work closely with our families providing individualised care and attention, and a strong community feel. Our motto is 'Strive to Succeed'. We believe that all our students can make progress, no matter what their starting point.

Waddington Primary School has excellent specialist programs which includes Science, Physical Education and Visual Arts. At Waddington Primary School our students learn Noongar from Year 1 - 6 which is provided by Noongar Language Teachers from Balga SHS. The school takes pride in it's technology and offers your child the opportunity to develop excellent 21st Century Learning skills through engagement with Digital Technologies and STEM, integrated throughout our quality teaching and learning programs. Waddington PS has recently adopted explicit learning in our English and Maths classes, with each session featuring Daily Reviews.

Please get in touch with us if you would like to take a look at our wonderful school.

We welcome you to contact us for more information about our school:
T: 9462 9500
E: Waddington.ps@education.wa.edu.au
W: www.waddingtonps.wa.edu.au