South Hedland Primary School (5553)

School Overview

South Hedland Primary School currently accommodates 240 children on site, from Kindergarten to Year 6. Our school is regarded by the community as promoting a supportive learning environment and where all staff demonstrate concern and care for children. There is a strong emphasis on pastoral care in our school and we foster strong relationships with our parents and the community to support student learning. Many students come from families where English is a second language and includes families from diverse backgrounds, with 63% of students having an Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander background.

South Hedland Primary School faces many challenges but the reward of making a difference is highly motivating. A feature of our school has been its success in improving educational outcomes for students, for capacity building and the mentoring of staff. Our school has a strong and committed focus on four key areas: English, mathematics, attendance and behaviour. English and mathematics are taught using the explicit teaching model which is designed to deliver the core understandings and knowledge of the Australian Curriculum which are the keys for success. Our school also currently offers lessons in Indonesian, art, science and physical education, and these are taught by our specialist teachers. Our school site also hosts the Polly Farmer Foundation Maths and Science Centre of Excellence.

School leadership is shared and cohesive with a strong emphasis on collaborative teaching, coaching models and professional learning. Our school is enriched by teachers with youthful enthusiasm and willingness to 'have a go' and this creates a stimulating, productive learning environment, where staff are supported by 'in school' coaching.

The school is strengthened by its strong collegial atmosphere and the friendships that develop between staff members. We are fortunate in having excellent Aboriginal and Indigenous education officers (AIEOs), education assistants and special needs education assistants. They are experienced and competent in assisting with teaching and learning, providing advice on appropriate cultural understanding and intervention and providing pastoral care for students.

South Hedland Primary School also houses a Child and Parent Centre. Their aim is to work with local agencies and families to provide integrated services that increase health, well-being and school readiness for vulnerable young children and their families. Services and programs currently available include child health services, healthy eating workshops, early learning programs, supported and targeted daily playgroups, parenting information and support programs, and referrals to other support services. During the school holidays, centre staff run holiday programs packed with fun activities for families to enjoy as well as a healthy morning tea.

KindiLink was established in 2016 and is located in the Warrawee building of our school. KindiLink is a play-and-learn initiative for Aboriginal 0-3 year old children who attend with a parent/carer. The program aims to boost children's learning in the year before they start Kindergarten and to forge strong and supportive links between home and school. KindiLink focuses on developing the social, emotional, language and cognitive capabilities of Aboriginal children. This is at no cost to families.

For more information please contact our school on 08 9172 7272 or visit