We are located in East Cannington, a south eastern suburb 13 kilometres from Perth with approximately 570 students from diverse cultural backgrounds, from Kindergarten to Year 6. The school is set in spacious grounds and is easily accessible by public transport.
Our facilities include, 22 classes surrounded by generous playground areas shaded by trees, patios, verandas, playground equipment, undercover assembly area, two basketball courts, cricket nets, tennis court and; football oval and soccer field. All buildings are air-conditioned.
Our staff are highly committed to meet the needs and welfare of all children. We are fortunate to have specialist teachers in LOTE, Science, Music, Technology and Physical Education. We are well resourced and have numerous additional programs to support the needs of all students.
Our specialised team of early childhood teachers and education assistants provide innovative and engaging classes for children's first introduction to education. Our whole school 'Treat Everyone Decently' (TED) Program encourages students to Achieve Your Best, Be Respectful and Choose Safety. Parent involvement in our school is significant and strongly encouraged. Our Parents and Citizens Association is a proactive body that works in partnership with us, to provide opportunities to enhance the experiences of our students.
We have a strong focus on numeracy and literacy and our values underpin all areas of the school.
Our Vision: To provide students with an educational environment that maximises each individuals intellectual, social, emotional, physical and cultural development. The staff at Gibbs Street Primary School have common beliefs that promote a school climate which ensures the pursuit of quality education.
We Believe In: * Quality of Education. * Professionalism. * Integrity. * Effective Communication. * Social Justice.
For more information; T: (08)9473 9550 E: gibbsstreet.ps@education.wa.edu.au