Leeman Primary School (5539)
School Overview
Located 300km north of Perth in the Shire of Coorow, our students are from coastal towns Leeman and Greenhead. These towns owe their origin to the lobster fishing industry. More recently, the population has become transient, but we welcome all newcomers and are always sad to see some move away.
We work with small groups in two classes (K-2 and Years 3-6) and plan English and Maths blocks across the whole school until lunchtime. We then work flexibly for other curriculum subjects in the afternoon.
We have a strong focus on literacy and numeracy and the integration and implementation of the Western Australian Curriculum. We have a whole school approach to English and Maths, implementing the Talk4writing, Jolly Phonics and Jolly Grammar programs as well as the Stepping Stones Maths program. Our Early Childhood focus is also on the development of pre-literacy and numeracy and early literacy and numeracy skills and concepts which assists in the identification of potential learning difficulties or barriers. We provide a well-resourced intervention program, supported by a speech pathologist, occupational therapist and school psychologist.
Our SDERA program, Changing Health Acting Together (CHAT), is aimed at assisting students to become resilient thinkers and learners and to be members of a well-informed, supportive and safe school community. This program supports students to make positive changes to their behaviour, to consider their choices and to make good decisions. 'Crunch and Sip' is well established and the school has a focus on daily fitness, healthy nutrition and making good choices.
Leeman Primary School is well-resourced. Teachers and students enjoy working in an environment which provides a range of computing and electronic learning equipment, including Interactive Whiteboards, laptops, mini-iPads and electronic devices to support STEM learning and teaching.
Our staff are committed and passionate and we provide a challenging and motivating differentiated curriculum to meet the wide range of needs of all our students. We have enthusiastic and hard-working P&C and School Board members who are extremely supportive and incessantly work hard for our school and our students.