Our school is an Independent Public School located in the community of Albany. Translated from the local Aboriginal language, Yakamia means 'Home of the Long Neck Turtle'. Our school has built a culture of being a place where children can reach their full potential with staff creating a caring and supportive environment.
Our students achieve because they feel included and appreciated by peers and teachers; are respected for their different abilities, cultures, and interests; are actively involved in their own learning; and have positive expectations from others that encourage them to succeed.
At Yakamia Primary School, our school community honours three agreements - respect yourself; respect people; and respect the school. All students are taught these behaviours, as well as how to interact with others, creating a positive culture for learning and personal development. The whole school observes these agreements and the staff and students work together to fulfil them.
In 2011 our school was recognised as the top primary school at the WA Education Awards. Our continued commitment to our students, our staff and our learning programs reflects this achievement.
Our broad-based curriculum focuses on our students achieving their personal best, ensuring they succeed and are prepared for the future. Our highly regarded and successful specialist programs operating in the school include Digital Technologies, Science, Physical and Health Education, Indonesian, Music, our reading and breakfast club, our early reading intervention program, and a strong focus on oral language from Kindergarten to Year 2.
Our staff are highly experienced and skilled and we pride ourselves on our very strong relationship with our parents and the local community.
We have an active Parents and Citizens Association, and a group of highly committed parents who support the school in many different ways. We are proud of this level of interaction between staff, students and parents, and of the wide range of learning activities and successes achieved by our school.
Our school has an outstanding pastoral care program based on the Positive Behaviour Support model. We strive to develop in each student a positive self-concept, and to be respectful and confident to take on life challenges. We believe all our students will be successful lifelong learners.
At Yakamia Primary School, our staff are equipped with the latest technologies, including laptops and iPads, to facilitate student learning.
We encourage you to contact us to find out more about our school:
E: Yakamia.PS@education.wa.edu.au W: yakamiaps.wa.edu.au