Yalgoo Primary School (5488)
School Overview
Yalgoo Primary School is a town in the Midwest region of Western Australia. Located approximately 408 kilometres north east of Perth. Yalgoo Primary School is a wonderful unique school that caters for approximately 17 students from Kindergarten through to Year 6. In Semester two 2023, the school has 19 enrolled. The motto for Yalgoo Primary School is 'We care, We share and We dare'. The focus is on positive academic outcomes for all students at Yalgoo Primary School, supporting the strategic directions of the WA Education Department improvement driver to 'provide every student with a pathway to a successful future'. Academic performance of students is consistently promoted, and achievement is valued, as is outstanding effort.
Each year, Yalgoo Primary School creates an Annual Strategic Plan to align with the 6 core focus areas. * Resources * Relationships and Partnerships * Learning environment * Leadership * Teaching quality * Student achievement and Progress