Wickepin Primary School (5472)
School Overview
Wickepin Primary School is a Level 3 Public School, situated 230kms south-east of Perth in the Shire of Wickepin. We cater for students from Kindergarten to Year 6 and offer a nurturing and distinctive school experience where every student is encouraged and expected to achieve personal excellence. The high expectations we have of ourselves and our students are a precondition for our school's improved success.
At Wickepin Primary School, we offer a personalised and comprehensive education where students leave as global citizens. We ensure that every student is challenged in a safe and supportive learning environment and guided to become independent thinkers in an environment where feedback is readily encouraged. We believe that relationships are integral to a school and aim to instil a love of learning through our strong and supportive relationships we form with each and every student.
Our teachers are highly skilled professionals who understand that children are unique and thus require a differentiated and individualised learning program. All staff understand that instruction has many aspects and strive for excellence in their teaching and learning programs by understanding the content, instructional strategies and classroom management.
Wickepin Primary School has a strong community focus and is integral to the thriving and rural community of Wickepin. Links between home and school are valued and we aim to continually build positive relationships with parents, community members, local businesses, Wickepin Shire, our P&C and School Council, who are all recognised as important contributors to the children's social, physical, cultural, moral and intellectual development.