Fremantle Primary School (5420)

School Overview

Fremantle Primary School (PS) is an inclusive learning community located in Fremantle, Western Australia's bustling and vibrant port city. With a rich diversity of cultural, artistic and sporting facilities within walking distance, students are privy to an array of options uniquely available for an inner-city school.

Fremantle Primary School prides itself on a sense of community - a genuinely inclusive and nurturing learning environment. With a rich and embedded values program of Care, Excellence and Inclusivity our students show respect, honesty and responsibility in their learning and behaviour.

The highly competent and experienced teaching staff at Fremantle Primary provide an enriched and engaging curriculum that caters for individual student needs. Coupled with an explicit core curriculum, students are also engaged through specialist subject areas of Physical Education, Art, Science, Italian and Music.

Fremantle Primary School has a deep history that is celebrated, shared and taught. The school built in 1904 was originally located on a site in South Terrace, now occupied by the Fremantle Hospital, this original school still exists within the hospital buildings. The current buildings were constructed in 1962. Ongoing infrastructure developments ensure Fremantle Primary provides all families with up-to-date facilities and a welcoming learning environment.