Pickering Brook Primary School is a unique school, nestled in the Perth hills, with community at its heart.
Our school puts student needs' first; with evidence-based teaching practices, and staff who really know their students; how they learn and what they need to learn next. Our multi-age grouping approach sees students learn from each other, lead each other, and have opportunities to develop more sophisticated social skills than students in same-age settings.
Pickering Brook Primary School is currently undergoing a renewal phase, with the development of a new strategic plan, new leadership and exciting changes ahead. This planning phase sees us reviewing school policies and processes, with a focus on positive and strengths-based approaches. We offer a comprehensive pastoral care approach with a school chaplain, active student-led social justice committee and a student services team. Students are treated as individuals and families are supported when needed - we don't have a one size fits all approach.
Our environment is like no other Perth school - we don't have to create nature play - we live amongst nature! Students have access to two high-quality natural areas that encourage child-exploration - nature-based play, and also built-playgrounds and great sporting amenities. 2021 will see renewal in our classrooms, with new approaches to class layouts, new furnishings and new technologies to increase student engagement and learning. Our kids are 2021 learners and we want them to learn in 2021 ways!
Pickering Brook Primary School work closely with the local community, including the City of Kalamunda, network schools and other community groups to ensure wrap-around services and an approach that suits the wider community. We have playgroup on site once a week, and a school bus route that collects and drops-off students from the wider hills area. Our community and staff are generous with their time and offer a variety of opportunities to our students by running after school clubs several days a week. Our P&C are extremely active and take pride in the school, providing great support through funding, time and opportunities.
If you'd like to see our school for yourself, why not book a tour? Call us on 9291 2050, or email pickeringbrook.ps@education.wa.edu.au.