South Perth Primary School is an Independent Public School. The school focuses on the development of the whole child with quality education programs that provide students with opportunities to optimise their academic, social, emotional, creative and physical skills. Our Vision is to inspire young minds to create and pursue possibilities.
The shared community values that underpin the school values program are respect, excellence, honesty, responsibility and cooperation. The classroom learning programs and the student leadership and chaplaincy activities provide opportunities for students to apply these values to their daily life at school.
High academic achievement is a characteristic of students from South Perth Primary School. The school average in NAPLAN testing is consistently above the national average. South Perth students regularly gain places in the primary extension and challenge program (PEAC) and the secondary gifted and talented education program (GATE).
Specialist teachers provide programs in Music, Drama, Physical Education and Japanese for all Year 1-6 students. Extra curricula activities, such as choir, school band, artist in residence, chess and a wide range of sporting opportunities, are also provided for interested students.
South Perth is a Culturally and Linguistically Diverse (CALD) school. 28% of our school population come from a CALD background, speaking over 20 different languages. Many of the families that come from overseas have been relocated in Western Australia due to work commitments. An aAditional Language/Dialect specialist teacher and education assistant assist students with the acquisition of Standard Australian English.
South Perth Primary School first opened its doors on 20 July 1898 as Forrest Street School. The school boasts a proud history of achievement over the past century with some prominent Western Australians beginning their schooling at South Perth.
Our highly supportive parent community provides extra funding to assist the school with the implementation of programs and the upgrading of the school grounds and resources. Parents willingly volunteer to support activities in the classroom, on excursions, at sports carnivals and with music or art programs.
The school focuses on providing an engaging and inclusive learning program that promotes success for all students. High quality teaching, effective leadership and positive relationships are priorities at South Perth Primary School.
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