West Northam Primary School (5352)
School Overview
Our motto at West Northam Primary School is, Belong . Respect . Learn, where students aspire to be their best. We equip our students with the skills and ability to persevere and achieve success. We foster a sense of belonging and teach our students to care and contribute.
At West Northam Primary School, we offer your child a high quality education in a safe, caring and culturally inclusive environment where all students can learn and grow.
Our highly skilled early childhood and senior team leaders work closely with staff to ensure our teachers use effective practices that provide excellence in teaching and learning for your child.
To prepare your child for an increasingly technological world, every classroom has an interactive LED panel and we provide every student with an iPad or laptop to ensure the children receive the highest level of instruction using the latest in technology.
Staff are committed to teaching students with kindness and compassion and employ the highly successful Positive Behaviour Support program, to establish our behaviour expectations of responsibility, respect and self-control. This program focuses on moving from 'Managing Student Behaviour' to 'Student Engagement' by building a sense of belonging, promoting a school culture in which students respect themselves and others, and take responsibility for their actions.
Our school has strong partnerships with the community and regularly extends invitations to parents, friends and family members to visit the school for special events and to celebrate successes. Our P&C and the School Council work diligently to support the school and we welcome parents, carers, family and friends into our school and into our classrooms to build our partnership with you in your child's education.
For more information, please contact us on: Telephone: 9621 5600 Email: westnortham.ps@education.wa.edu.au www.westnortham.wa.edu.au