Moorine Rock Primary School is a small, vibrant school located in the eastern wheat belt, catering for students from Kindergarten to Year 6. We have a strong history, where our school and the community work together to provide an education that meets the needs of individual students, and provides the foundation for each student's future education. Our vision at Moorine Rock Primary School is to provide an exemplary place of learning that encourages life-long learners who strive for their individual excellence and demonstrate the values of the school. Our experienced and caring staff are dedicated to providing enriched targeted learning programs for students. The multi-age classes offer a range of programs that enhance student learning, and allow all students to develop the necessary knowledge and skills to become confident, independent and life-long learners. We have developed partnerships with other schools in the area. This benefits students by providing them with opportunities to regularly participate in sporting, cultural and social events that allow them to compete with, and form friendships with, students from other schools. The school is strongly supported by the school council and an active Parents and Citizens Association. Our parent body is passionate about supporting our students and this is evident with the ongoing, dedicated support they provide in classrooms, at school events and in fundraising events. We welcome you to visit our website or contact us to discover more about our school: T: 9049 1176 E: W: