West Leederville Primary School is located in the Perth suburb of West Leederville, between Lake Monger and the City of Subiaco. The enrolment of over 570 students is drawn from varied backgrounds and cultures and has increased steadily from 240 students in 2006. A significant feature of the school's character is as a place of interaction for the community including local musicians, sporting and fitness groups, language and artists. The school celebrated its 120th anniversary in 2018.
A former Prime Minister of Australia, R.J.(Bob) Hawke attended West Leederville Primary School from 1939 to 1941. Significantly, the new local secondary school only 800m from our door is named after this prominent Australian. Bob Hawke College opened to Year 7 students in 2020.
Over the last ten years, West Leederville Primary School has been significantly upgraded to cater for our increasing student numbers. Our original buildings are heritage listed and these provide a unique character with classrooms that surround the traditional school hall. In 2010, a library and arts centre was completed followed by an administration wing in 2011. The building of seven early childhood classrooms was completed in time for the commencement of the 2015 school year. In 2017 a second storey was added to the library building; providing an extra five classrooms for our senior students. Our Kindergarten students are educated off-site in an annex at Lake Monger Primary School.
A sense of community is an important feature of West Leederville Primary School. The school recognises the importance of the local community and values a collaborative partnership in the delivery of education. Students, staff, and parents participate in a wide range of programs to support, enhance and develop community relations. West Leederville enjoys a particularly strong parent and community involvement through the Parents and Citizens Association (P&C) and the School Board.
The number of classroom teachers and specialist programs has increased along with the rapid enrolment growth. The staff is open and approachable, working with parents on classroom programs to achieve the best outcome for the students. Staff members are committed to ongoing learning, regularly engaging in professional learning and participating in peer observation processes, to enhance and strengthen classroom practice.
For more information please visit our website at http://wlps.wa.edu.au